Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Eleven Years Ago

Eleven years ago, my daughter was born.
Meanwhile, I wasn't there.

You see--eleven years ago, my daughter entered the world and began her journey of life.
Meanwhile, I never dreamed my journey would collide with hers.

Eleven years ago, my daughter's newborn eyes soaked up all the visible love on the faces surrounding her.
Meanwhile, my eyes had not yet seen the possibility and the extent of a love that can reach beyond biology.

Eleven years ago, my daughter stole her Daddy's heart.
Meanwhile, I didn't know she, her brother, and her Daddy would hold my heart for life.

Eleven years ago, my daughter, so innocent, could do no wrong.
Meanwhile, I had not felt the guilt of making mistakes as a parent and the constant drive to be a better Mother.

Eleven years ago, my daughter was new to this cruel world but full of affection.
Meanwhile, I didn't know the power and Christ-like example of a child's pure and unconditional love.

Before my daughter was born, GOD knew every twist and turn her life would take. He knew one of those twists would lead her to me and me to her. Along with twists and turns, we have gone uphill, downhill, and around a few circles, too. I'm thankful for the twists and turns because eleven years ago today, I never knew there was a little girl being born who would grow to love me, teach me, help me, laugh with me, cry with me, fuss with me, challenge me, and - most importantly - watch Hallmark movies with me!

This post is extremely personal for me to share. However, I believe too many step-parents (including myself) fail to express the reality of their roles and their feelings because of the stigma that so often accompanies step-parenting.

When I decided Mr. M was the one, my mom said something that will forever stick with me. And I quote, "Step-parenting will be the most challenging but most rewarding thing you have ever done." Over the years, I have shared this quote with many people who confide in me about their desire to marry someone who has children.

On this blog, I do plan to share both the challenges and the rewards of my journey through step-motherhood. I really believe the world needs more step-parents who will be transparent regarding their successes and failures. According to www.stepfamily.org, although 1,300 new step-families are forming every day, 75% of blended families complain about not having access to resources geared toward stepfamilies. It's time to start reaching out to a HUGE demographic that is being ignored, and hopefully some of my blog posts can be a small step in the right direction.

That's all for my rabbit trail. After a day celebrating Miss K and finally letting her get her ears pierced, this mom is ready for bed. Happy Birthday ~ I LOVE YOU!

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