Thursday, May 15, 2014

Elyn's Second Year


Before you were born Grammy gave me a calendar to keep up with all of your firsts and other special moments for the first year or your life. I can say with confidence that I nailed it. I was on top of recording so many memories in the calendar. I have recorded a lot of special memories and firsts from your second year, but they are scattered on Facebook, the notepad app on my phone, and photos. Hopefully this post will help me organize those memories for you (and me).

Getting into everything!
The biggest milestone happened on February 12, 2014. You took your first steps! You know it was the biggest snow day of the year when Daddy's work closes early. Daddy works for a car dealership, and everyone knows car dealerships don't like to close. Not only was Daddy home, but he was also the first to see you take your first steps. I heard his excitement while I was in another room. Of course, he ran to our room with you in his arms and said, "You missed it! You missed it!" He put you down and coaxed you to take a few more steps for me to see. We all celebrated with cheers and clapping, and you loved all the attention. I guess it took a snow day for you to decide you were finally ready to walk. It's three months later, and you are walking everywhere, getting faster, and getting into everything. The sweetest thing is when you walk up to someone and reach your little hand out to hold hands and walk together. 

Daddy loves taking you to Toddler Time.
As soon as you turned ONE, you have been attending a couple of group activities to help you socialize with other babies (and adults). Daddy started taking you to Toddler Time at the library almost every week. It probably took about a month for you to warm up to your new activity, but you are really starting to enjoy it these last couple of weeks. They read stories, sing, and make a craft each week. Your favorite song is the "Bean Bag Song," and you love to walk up front to pick out a bean bag to use during the song. You also love when the teacher brings out the bubbles, and you excitedly squeal, "BUBBLES!" You're not too fond of the crafts, but you're not quite at the age to be able to participate by yourself anyways. Last week, you made a friend. It was adorable to watch your new friend Briella console you while you cried. After she patted your shoulder, you were stuck to her like glue. It's like you could sense that she liked you, and you immediately liked her back. Later I found out, she is only 2 weeks older than you. However, she is a head taller than you. You are still our little petite baby, and I wouldn't have it any other way because it makes you still seem like my little baby. You have also started attending our church's nursery class on Wednesday nights. My best friend Chesnee keeps you in her class. You have loved Chesnee from the very beginning, and sometimes I call her your second mommy. It's a relief to be able to send you to a class I know you enjoy. Seeing the puppets is one of your favorite parts of the class. I am so thankful for your new activities because they are really helping you to branch out and not be so uneasy around other people.

Coloring during Wednesday night class
I mentioned you are still very petite. As of February 27, 2014 at your last doctors visit, you weighed 17 lbs 13 oz and were 28 inches long. I think you weigh about 20 lbs now. You wear a size 3 diaper, mostly 12 months clothes, and size 3 shoes. At the beginning of April we switched you to a big girl car seat, but you are still rear facing, especially since you're so tiny. It doesn't bother you to be rear facing because most of the time your brother and sister are back there with you.

I'm not sure if they entertain you, or if you entertain them. You are a clown, and you love to copy any sound, word, or facial expression we do. I started a list on my phone of all the words you can say, but you say a new word at least every other day. Here is a list, but I'm sure there are many more.

Toodles - "ooaa"
Mickey - "Minnie"
Minnie - "Minnie"
Goofy - "Gooby"
Poop (as you point to your diaper)
Stop - "Topsss"
Paw Paw
Maw Maw
Austin - "Aba" or "Auti"
Outside - "side"
Milk - "Milt"
Water - "Wa"
Book - "Boot"
Doggy - "Goggy"
Baby - sometimes sounds like "Bobby"
Balloon - "Boon"
Hurry, Hurry
Chesnee - "Che Chee"
Bentley - "Ben Ben"
My Girl - "Guy Girrr"
Bath Tub
Come on
Bye Grammy - "Bye Ammy" (We can never get you to say Grammy, but you did say this once.)
Bye Daddy

I know the reason you have picked up so many words is because you have two older siblings. I also think it has a lot to do with your love of books. You love for us to read to you, and you also love to pretend to read. I have a little book from a Chic-Fil-A kid's meal that I give to you in the car. You usually jabber the whole way to pick up Kailee from school as you turn every page. When you are done reading it, you throw it across the car. You pick out a book, walk over to me, say "Tank You," sit on my lap, and wait for me to start reading it. Even though I read book after book and sometimes the same book (Dora the Explorer) several times, I still wish I could freeze time in moments like that.

You are starting to eat with a fork. You haven't gotten the hang of it yet, but you've done it by yourself a few times.

Your first time sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap went as expected. You screamed so the entire mall could hear and feel sorry for you. But your first Easter egg hunt was a success. You did participate and knew exactly what to do. You put the eggs in your basket and said, "Thank you" every time.

Egg hunt 2014
You definitely have a temper and an attitude. I can tell you are going to be very strong willed and want things to be done a certain way. I know exactly where you get that from -- me. Hopefully I can encourage you to use that character trait to your advantage in a good way. Hopefully I can teach you to stand up for what you know is right and to know when to submit your will to benefit others. But for now, I'm just trying to teach you not to embarrass the daylights out of me in public. HAHAHA!!!

I love you so much. You have added so much color and joy to my life. I'm so glad you are mine.

The look

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