I cannot believe this was my little love exactly a year ago. Since spring was just around the corner, I remember telling her we wouldn't have many more days this season that we could sit by the fire together. A year later, I just told myself the same thing. I'm probably the only one in our area thankful for this cold weather blitz. The freezing temperature, the sleet, and even our outdoor umbrella flying across the deck are all reminders that this will be one of the last few nights this winter that we will get to lounge by the fire.
My Sleeping Beauty is still a great sleeper (11-12 hours a night--HALLELUJAH), but right now she's crawling laps around her crib as I try to blog and attempt to save every memory I can about this stage of her life. Hopefully she can look back on some of my blog posts and come across stories I may not remember as the years go by. So here it is--everything Elyn, for Elyn.
28" tall
17 lbs. 14 oz.
Your doctor said I need to make sure you are one of the best dressed students when you start school since he is sure you will be standing on the front row for all of your class pictures.
Even though these stats put you in the 1st and 4th percentile, no one is concerned about you not getting enough to eat. Your favorite foods are Well, the real topic is your least favorite foods because you eat almost anything. Broccoli, potatoes, or sweet potatoes are not your favorites. Slippery fruits like peaches and mandarin oranges will go in your mouth and quickly slide back out. You are totally opposite of mommy because you love to eat meat. Although your grandparents and our best friends have snuck in a few sips of Sun Drop, Coke, and sweet tea, you only drink whole milk and water. Transitioning you to whole milk in a sippy cup was a breeze. In fact, most transitions come easy for you, and that is one of the many reasons why I love you oh so much. You make my job easy (most of the time).
Another recent transition has been not giving you the paci. For the last week, you used a paci for one nap. The major hurdle we were afraid of was not giving it to you yesterday in church, but with a couple trips out of the sanctuary, you were fine. One of the main reasons we decided to start limiting the use of a paci was because your top 4 front teeth decided to come in all at once. We let you use it to comfort you through teething, but no more paci after that. Your doctor said the paci can interfere with your front teeth. But I can't lie. The more honest reason was because your check up was this week, and I didn't want you to have a paci in front of the doctor. I knew he would not be happy seeing that. Instead of the paci lecture, mommy got a lecture about not rocking you to sleep at night, but we all know daddy is the one who needs to hear that lecture. We're not quite ready to stop rocking you to sleep though no matter what your doctor says. All joking aside, your doctor is awesome, and he is always impressed with the set of lungs God gave you.
Speaking of your set of lungs, you are very talkative. Here is a list of some of the things you say or have said at least twice -- Mickey, thank you (your favorite thing to say), bye, da-da, ma-ma, pa-paw, aunt B, doggie, no (another one of your favorites), ball, eat, uh-oh (another favorite), I ove oo (I love you), eye, baby, bow, hot.
Big brother and sister love to teach you all kinds of things since you are so good at being a copy cat. You laugh when they laugh, and you have even imitated a sneeze. We often have conversations reminding each other that we need to be very careful about what we say around you. You are going to embarrass us with something you repeat one of these days.
Your favorite song is "Peanut Butter Jelly Time," and this song will cheer you up no matter how much of a fit you are throwing. You also like the hot dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Another favorite of yours is "Hello My Name Is." This is a Christian song that comes on the radio every day. You love this song because you can sing along with it. There is a part when the singer sings "waa oh oh oh oh," and it sounds similar to "uh-oh." It never fails that you sing along saying "uh-oh." That puts a smile on my face every day, and it always gives your brother and sister a good laugh as they are heading to and from school. It never gets old.
You love to press buttons to see what will happen, and this includes the remote control, garage door opener, alarm system, and light switches. Your big sissy has taught you how to brush your hair, and she is very proud that she is the one who taught you that.
You still enjoy bath time, and now you pitch a fit when it's time to get out of the bath. Letting the hair dryer blow on you is a quick fix to help you forget about getting out of the bath. Daddy is afraid you are going to be addicted to using the hair dryer as a heater like I am.
Although you are not walking yet, you have taken several steps many times. We are all waiting for you to take off soon. For now, you enjoy crawling super fast. Last night you were very ill at the end of church (which is usually the case), but you lit up and put on your happy face as soon as all the boys ranging from age 2 - 15 came to see you and hold your hands as you walked down the aisle. You love the boys at church a little too much.
We could probably return all your toys and let you play in the cabinets and dresser drawers all day. You love taking things out and putting them back. However, you never put your clothes back in your dresser drawers after you sling them across your room. We really need to work on that, little missy.
Even though I want to keep you a little baby forever, I am anxious to see what you will do and learn next! We all are.
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